








The second day on the heavenly island

But is it really a heaven ?

Zach, I may not like you live on that. It links too much to material and consumption; it is also strongly americanized that most people do not eat healthily.

The second day we took bus to Waikiki beach. It was quite touristy: hotels were everywhere, nicely dressed tourists walked around, they lied on the beach to get high dose of carcinogenic UV light, stalls charged expensively on snorkel and surf-board rentals, waiters from hotels went to the beaches to serve customers lying on the beach-seats, restaurants on the ground floor of hotels facing the beaches served junk food like hot-dogs, pizzas and hamburgers.We walked along the beach to see people having their style of vacation, and got bored easily. The only scene that attracted us was the sea tortoises floating on the coast side. As commercial and populated as it is, the tourist spot is still survivable for wildlife. It is a comfort to us.

We then went to the traditional downtown and the chinatown, where the immigrants first settled and loaded stories and history of them. The aboriginal people compromised their lifestyle to the immigrants and became marginalized and minorized. As expected the mainland Chinese are conquering the chinatown, although we still overheard some Cantonese conversations.

We went out till dark and it was raining, thus had a splash by dining in a Japanese restaurant opened by Japanese immigrants. It has been here for 20 years. When honey had a chance practicing her Japanese, we had sushi that we dared not to in Hong-Kong and even Japan because of the nuclear incident. The fishes used were caught locally instead of imported from the spoiled land. Honey reluctantly avoided the sushi and ordered grilled butterfish. It is a local fish, tasted oily. She mistook it as butterfly fish that made her feel a bit weird. Only later when we had frozen yogurt did we found out that we had not eaten the more beautiful fish.

Going home late we did not know that Puna our host made us some laulau and poi. Many thanks to her we had special lunch in a secret concert next day.

A tourist day on the heaven island, it is not so bad as we imagined, if not count the food. Zach, how did you like it ?


Zack, 您都幾能耐,同阿媽飛大半個地球來到天堂島。在機上您時不時踢肚,但還算可以安定下來。




之後和她一起到超级市場買今晚及之後幾天的糧食。這兒的物價高,但物種豐富,當地出產的菠蘿、木瓜、薑、甚至當地做的豆腐 ! (當然味道不如香港吃的有豆味) 應有盡有,當然還有有機產品的選擇但價錢是雙倍。我們當晚弄了菠蘿雞和麻婆豆腐,家常小菜,兩母女吃得津津有味,覺得和之前吃的美式中菜有得大分别,後者多油多鹽,不及我們的清新健康。


老婆早早睡了。我就看她們造傳統菜,和她們分享我們的旅行相。她們介紹我們一年一度的舞蹈節 (Merrie Monarch Festival), 天堂羣島聚在大島首府競舞。



Dear Zach

Again, thank you for coming to the world and welcome.

The warm womb shelters you from the chaos of the world. In the first few months of pregnancy we were still on the road. We visited the Romanian forest, ate the fresh mushroom there, met the Dracula, soaked in the Bulgarian hotsprings, enjoyed the breeze of Black Sea, bathed in Georgian sun on mountains, drank their wine, froze in Armenian's snow. We did many things that the anxious parents in Hong Kong avoid doing during pregnancy. We assum that you have all the reasons not to see the real world from your eyes and go back to heaven. You choose not to but to stay with us. You show us that you are brave. God makes you so brave and you learn from Jesus.

We had thought about giving birth in Hong Kong, but how it is now spoiled by the so-called "communist" makes us lose faith of the people there. Wishing that you will see good people and the great nature in the first encounter, we bring you to Hawaii. There are the cetaceans for you to reconnect with.

Giving birth in Hong Kong means that you will be treated as a screw in a social machine which is less developed and humane. We hope you can understand our arrangement, which is not common at home and it may involve some risks. There could be complications in birth; your post-natal time may not be comfortable as we haven't found a stable place yet.  We also confess to you that this arrangement originates from our adventurousness. There may not be enough consideration. However too much consideration also means over-anxiety. Many parents in Hong Kong are like that. They do not realize that no one can have perfect certainty of no-wrong in birth. It is also the reason that makes birth and life such a miracle.

Your miracle also involves a spiritual community respecting the nature and healthy lifestyle. It reconnects to the pulse of nature and the cetaceans. They are the intelligent being whom human owe a lot to because of ignorance and exclusivity. Please accept us for making this decision for you, but we are sure that you may feel our pulse in the womb when we feel the calling from the cetaceans and the nature and the ocean there.

God has been opening doors for us in the process. We have been seeing good souls helping us, keeping faith that God's creation and plan are the best for you and us.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.


your crazy mom and dad

PS  Thanks to Auntie Ally, we know more songs from people friendly to cetaceans. Enjoy.






聽說您出生時胃的大小只有兩粒提子大,所以少食多餐,每兩小時吃奶,中間時間換尿片,父母可以睡的時間大大減少。 現在可以睡就睡多些,到時就沒時間睡了。我們這兩隻貓頭鷹會否有另外方法: 訓練自己少睡,習慣了少睡就好受些?

突然想起一篇文章,有關訓練嬰兒的作息節奏,當初我略嫌訓練似軍訓欠人道,所以置之不理。您的將臨看來牽引我的憂慮,擔心做少甚麼而導致無可挽回的後果。很多父母或許是這樣,寧濫勿缺。就如農夫澆多水下多肥料,生怕因為自己而導致不足。這便是我們要做的功課: 順其自然,其如交給主的帶領和安排。其實基本的留心就行,甚麼是基本?


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在溫暖的胎水裏,您可以免疫於世間的繁雜。在最初的幾個月我們還在旅途中,訪過羅馬尼亞的森林、吃過那裏的鮮菇、見識過吸血這彊屍文化、浸過保加利亞的溫泉、吹過黑海的海風、 曬過格魯吉亞的高山太陽、飲過地道紅酒、受過亞美利亞的風寒... 其實以初懷胎的三個月還不太穩定,您大可有權對世界感厭惡一走了之。但您仍然勇於面對,留下來要親眼看這世界,感謝您,亦感謝主給您這勇氣。











事源我們在土耳其黑海沿海向東回家,知道老婆已有身孕,一心慢慢小心完成旅程,經格魯吉亞、阿美尼亞、伊朗回香港分娩。誰不知老婆在網上找到有人曾經在黑海生BB,附近有海豚游過來,能幫助分娩過程。而且有研究指出海豚的超聲波可以幫助分娩,亦對一些疾病有舒緩作用。但是這個在黑海的生育研究中心已經關了。回到香港,一方面適應不人性化的城市生活,身邊聽到不少在醫院生育的可怕及非人性經歷: 工廠式程序、官僚制度、精神身心分裂的背景。當然不至於以下(三十多年的電影)這麼誇張,但其心態和現今分別不大。



Art by Jeff Philliphs


